Lamb’s lettuce with fried pear

I need to prepare a quick dinner. What to do? Today, I bought lamb’s lettuce, finally, the strong winter vitamin source is back. To accompany it, a pear which I slice and strongly roast in a pan with butter until it gets a bit browned. I add a few walnuts, salted and mixed with a little olive oil and Piment d’Espelette, onto a tray and put them in the oven. They roast at 180°C for a quarter of an hour. The vinaigrette is also quick to make - some balsamic vinegar in the still hot pan, reduce it a bit, then add a teaspoon of honey, salt, and some walnut oil. Put everything on the plate with the individual components, and there you have it, a quick evening delight!

lamb’s lettuce with roast pear


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